Why Companies use Retail Store Displays 

Merchandising in the virtual sense is starting to use more  store displays to engage customers with these products, and also entice them to buy stuff, thereby building brand awareness. 

The proper use of these displays is to draw the user’s attention with the correct messaging, setup, and even design. 

How does one make a display that achieves this? Here, we’ll go over retail displays, and why they’re the best for those looking to showcase the merchandise that you offer. 

What they Are and Why they Matter 

Before we talk about the different displays, you need to know what they are, and the benefits of them for industry. Retail displays are different displays of your marketing on a physical level;. They include fixtures or even in-store displays to attract these customers. Engage the customers, and finally showcase or promote this merchandise. 

They’re basically like product exhibits.  This alone is enough for a lot of people, but if you further need to be convinced, it can actually increase profits by up to almost 500%.  If you look at this, you’ll see that the displays are tools that’ll attract customers, used in marketing and promotion. There are different display styles and variants too. It’s essential to know the right type of display for the needs that you have. 

Different Displays to check out. 

Now that you know why people use this, let’s talk about the different types of displays. There are a lot, including shelves, tops for tables, and also on the floor too. 

There are so many different popular options that come here. 

First, we’ve got the POP which is the point of purchase floor display. They’re free-standing presentations that draw a customer’s attention. They’re different from the fixed ones, providing opportunities for merchandising and marketing throughout different pathways and aisles, where the purchasing decisions happen. 

They come in multiple tiers, and they can display a wide variety of different products for people to check out. 

Then there are counter and tabletop types of displays.  You’ve got the tuck top and snap lock bottom. They’re small, and good for those on a budget, in order to help with promoting awareness. 

There are also larger multi-tier corrugated shelf displays that show different products on multiple shelves. 

What’s best for Me? 

This is a challenge that a lot of people go through because there are so many different types out there and for your industry, you might not be sure. 

Any type of industry display can work, if you should narrow this down. 

For groceries and supermarkets, there are a lot of different items, including beer, foods, wine, household items, even pet food. Typical displays can include shelving, aisle units, and even gondola displays for the times. 

Convenient stores are smaller, and they offer quicker experiences, and usually basics. 

While they usually tend to be smaller, you should opt for countertop options. This, of course, gives them a chance to impulse buy, or if you want to show some showcase promotions that are quick to buy. 

Specialty stores are different, as they can carry a lot of different things.  For furniture, books, clothing, electronics, and the like, there’s a lot of different merchandise. 

Garment racks usually are best for clothing stores, but not the specialty ones.  Jewelry displays are used in display cases, because they tend to be higher in value. 

But, you can also create immersive displays.  The design of different exhibits for windows, along with more immersive displays will showcase the merchandise, offering customers a chance to entice them with the products that are offered. 

Is Packaging Costing You? 

For owners of businesses, you may try to cut costs in every place that they can.  Sometimes they think that they should do so with shipping, but that’s actually a major faux pas. 

While there may be more of an upfront cost, the protective packaging that you get will actually save the business money. Whether you’re getting polypropylene or even some bubble wrapping, there’s always a chance for you to increase the shipment protection. 

Here are some ways that protective packaging lowers the cost of one’s business over time. 

Lower Returns Costs 

When items are damaged, the right thing a person needs to do is to replace that.  However, to replace it, you also need to ship these items back and eat the costs.  Even if you do avoid this part of this, allowing the customer to discard or keep the item, you’re still going to have to pay the replacement costs to ship this out, which will then triple the costs of the shipping in a lot of cases. 

Some businesses can handle this, since accidents do happen. But if you find your packaging being lackluster enough to create this problem, you’re going to be spending money on shipping that needs to be replace don the regular. This doesn’t even count the other situations where customers may want exchanges or returns to be a thing. 

Better Customer Satisfaction 

If customers are frequently at the mercy of damaged orders, they’re not going to be customers for very long. 

On the flip side, potential customers may look at your company, see all the bad reviews, and the products that are damaged. If they’re looking for reasons to choose the competitors you have over your own company, bad packaging is the final nail on one’s coffin most of the time.

Taking some time to invest in shipping does show that you do care about what you’re going to put out, and who it’s being sold to. 

What you put into protective packaging will increase customer satisfaction. Protective packaging and the manufacturers here do recommend that you always go beyond reasonable limits, in order to ensure that customers have good things they wish to say about what’s going on.

Better Unboxing Experiences 

There are a lot more unboxing experiences now than later on and have jumped over 80% in a lot of cases. They’re easy to find online, especially of people unboxing, and then reviewing these products. Packaging becomes an integral part of this.

If you’re someone who wants to invest in their packaging, it ensures that products will be safe from point A to point B, improving the customer experience. It also increases a more unique type of unboxing experience, which improves the word of mouth types of publicity.

You also can improve the values by communicating and investing in packaging that’s eco friendly. a lot of consumers are noticing this, especially when they have products that they get which are recyclable. If you want to make bolder statements with packaging, you want to make sure that the packaging delivers.  This is how you get the message passed along to others, and it will make you look even better.

Investing in packaging types and experiences will boost your ability to deliver and increase your company’s presence and chances. You’ll be able to, from this alone, boost your presence and continue with getting more people on board. 

That way, people will be happy with the results and in turn, they can see the improvements on you as a business, and other measures as well that improve your reputation. 

The Benefits of Recycled Packaging 

When you’re trying to get more customers, your packaging might be what’s holding you back. With over 70% of consumers choosing to be more eco-friendly and sustainable, if you’re a company that isn’t, it’s going to damage you.

Even “recycled” plastics may also not be recycled. They tend to lead more to landfills than to a recycling plant.

That’s why sustainable packaging that’s recyclable might be the answer to look into. 

The Benefits for the environment 

For a lot of people, packaging is crucial for protection, information displaying, and boosting your marketing.

But one conventional approach that packaging offers has also been a problem. The environmental crises have started to happen, due to the onslaught of single-use plastics, along with non-recycled types of materials.  They’ve led to landfills that are overflowing, waters that get polluted, and ecosystems that harm people.

Many consumers do understand that which is why over 80% of them actually think that these retailers will curb this plastic packaging.

What’s your alternative though? Recyclable packaging will boost the image of the brand, and bolster sales too. 

The Best Packaging: corrugated board 

Corrugated board or cardboard is considered one of the best types of packaging, not just for protection, but also on a sustainability level. 

Many corrugated boards have two types of outer layers, known as linerboard.  Then in the middle, is fluting. Fluting offers durability and is good for protecting products when they’re shipped out. 

It’s one of the best and most popular types of packaging and is used to transit items across many distances. 

Corrugated also is much more renewable, so it’s far less harmful to the world around you than plastics and other packaging. 

The Benefits of Corrugated Packaging 

There are a few benefits that come with corrugated packaging.

The first is that it does reduce waste. This is due to it being customizable, so that the material waste is eliminated. its’ formatted so that it fits around products snugly and reduces this material and interior packaging that’s used.  This is good for eliminating packaging peanuts.

Corrugated also doesn’t minimize the upfront waste, but it also reduces the material wasting that happens after you’ve shipped out something.  Corrugated is very recycled, especially compared to plastics.  Many times, a lot of it is disposed of as a residue, especially when you use this.  recycled corrugated material is better, and it reduces the energy within incinerators and waste.

It also is good for resources and energy conservation. Many recycled packaging options don’t just result in less waste transported to landfills, but it also provides a better way to conserve resources and energy. Due to the fact that corrugated is very recyclable, it’s made primarily with materials that are reused, creating more powerful results than if you just used other types of options. 

Because of the low amounts of recyclability, a lot of plastic packaging is virgin. Virgin packaging is not good for the environment, especially since many times virgin packaging is discarded into the oceans and landfills.  You also need to use more energy to build and craft new plastics.  Did you know that plastic is responsible for 3% of the total energy consumption within the US? This is actually double what the aviation industry does, so it’s important for a lot of people to look at this.

Corrugated paperboard does use energy, but it’s usually about a third of this, and a lot of times there’s far less virgin packaging with that regard.

Keep this in mind and choose the right packaging that best fits your needs. 

Packaging Stationery Products 

Stationery is something that’s very interesting, because in order to do well with this, you want to make sure that you humanize it. 

Thank-you letters and notes are good, and stationery is something that’s become quite unique for a lot of companies. 

With the pandemic making human interaction a mess, you want to make sure that you let people know that you’re happy to give them something or thanking them for the purchase. 

Here are some stationery packaging designs that are good and will bring smiles to the faces of customers. 


Crisp and clean paper is something that you can’t compete with.

Paper quality along with the messages are a driving force to bring about the best experience that recipients can have.  This gives thought, care, and helps with message crafting. 

Crane is unique because they offer an intimacy that you get from their physical messages, and this is especially true during a very technologically-advanced sort of time. 

They’ve changed the packaging, providing a rigid box that will protect these items, and also looks good on shelves in office stores and spaces.  They also use engravings, along with some secondary colors to provide warmth, along with a minimalistic look.

It is great too, because you can use this, and it’s different from generic paper. 

New Zealand Public Service Association 

The New Zealand PSA is something that’s interesting because it’s stationery that actually targets intriguing cases and provides a cause and means for people to support. 

This packaging and stationery is targeted to discuss the pay gap between genders, a problem in New Zealand and other places. 

They use a white, soft pink, along with a copper that’s used to push out the gender norms which are outdated, further reminding people of the ongoing issue of pay imbalance between women and men. 

Furthermore, they utilize customized inserts in order to show that women get pushed into a mold, one which society creates for them.  This packaging provides awareness to issues, and also allows for empowerment, and push towards better pay. 

Louise Fili Brilliant 

This is a unique type of packaging, especially since it’s for pencils, used for creativity.  They’re made for adults, and it gives them a chance to write and tap into those creative needs that they have. 

They use a printed rigid box, which gives them protection and storage that can’t be beaten. 

This packaging further provides a delightful look, and it gives a more vintage sort of look with different patterns, fonts, colors, and even hints of some shine in order to provide a complement to more metallic sorts of pencils. 

While colored pencils have been something that children use a lot, these are good for adults to harness their creativity, and imagination. 

Handmade Memories 

This is a packaging of stationary that MH Studios has made and is made to bring about the importance of care in messages that are personalized. 

The brand is further signified through different primary colors including cream, lavender, and the like, in order to provide more refined and modest types of composition. The golden logo that’s there adds to the premium experience. 

They use a customized tray and sleeve type of box for this, because it lets users easily access these products from the desks, shelves, and the like, while also offering protection to integrity and quality of each of the contents. 

Further, there’s a ribbon within this, and it allows for a variety of different selections of sheets, so you can get them out without wrinkling them.

The packaging was made to be thought-out, as a memento to make it a unique experience. 

Custom Poly Bags 

Poly bags are ideal for securing your products, the shipments, and are good for branding. Plus, they’re totally recyclable. 

Most guidelines form amazon state specifically that ply bags are good for packaging different products with a large scent, any liquids, or other products that might destroy or spill onto these shipped types of packaging.

Here, we have a screenshot of the different types of poly bag packaging that’s used. 

Poly Units 

Poly units that protect the requirements for most packaging need to have the following: 

  • A five inch opening or greater, especially measured when it’s flat.  If this is there, you need to make sure that there is a label on this to tell people about suffocation. A failure to have this there will cause the items to be pre bagged 
  • The warning needs to be placed in a location that’s easy to see, and a size font that’s legible on the bag 
  • The thickness needs to be at least 1.5 mil for most bags 
  • It must be seen through 
  • The bag needs a barcode that’s scannable in the bag, or have an ASIN or X00 on the outer part of the bag 
  • It must be totally sealed 
  • It must not stick out more than three inches past the product dimensions 

Scented items such as incense, candles, or even bully sticks that dogs can chew on, must be bagged and sealed to prevent that scent from being absorbed into different products 

All of the poly bags that are greater than five inches wide need to be used for different packaging and must have a suffocation warning on them. This is because it provides sellers with everything that they must do. 

Custom printing does need to have this warning, unless the person supplying this wants to have a generic warning about suffocation 

Also bear in mind that there are different font sizes to be used.  Some bags have even been sent to the business back from the FBA places as they didn’t follow the guidelines for the packaging. 

We also recommend that you add branding or logo to this. Printing one’s info for contacting is a good way to give customers every chance they can get to find out where their products are coming from. 

Many other kinds of prints are usually recommended for printing these packaging products directly from amazon. For electronics and other sensitive products, you might want to have a printed static shield bag to keep the statistic from getting to the product, and the bag printing tells the customers about said product. 

These minimums are important, as without them, they can cause you to waste money, especially after sending it back.  For best results, always make sure that the product follows these guidelines before you send it out, in order to get the best results from the product that you can.

With that said, talk to the supplier to find out about all of the right types of poly bags to do, along with fast turn times, minimums that are low, and also some of the other cool aspects that printed poly types of bags are used with retail and amazon packaging.

To get this, you just need to talk to a supplier to discuss the size of the bag, and the thickness that comes with it, along with desired artwork.  You get the minimums, the lead times, and the like, with most of these being shipped within 3 weeks or less.  Plus, you can also get some of these orders with free shipping if you buy in bulk.