When to use cold Packaging 

Do you ever ship stuff that’s supposed to be refrigerated, only to get complaints from the buyers that it was warm when it arrived at their doorstep? This can be hard to deal with, but there is something you can get in order to make sure that the perishable goods stay cool during the shipping process. 

This is cold packaging.   Essentially, cold packaging is a variety of techniques and materials that are used for maintaining lower temperatures, in order to preserve the integrity of the frozen goods. 

There are many factors that play into this, so it’s important to ensure that the items are cold throughout the whole shipping process. 

In our world, the cold packaging demand has started to increase by a lot. With people wanting a chance to get food and products that are right there on the doorstep, it can be important to look at. 

Meal kits, fresh produce, even medicines and biological samples require some cold packaging that’s reliable, and good for you to use.

But, to make sure that the packaging remains cold is a huge challenge for them to do.   

Cold packaging isn’t just the insulation that’s needed, and refrigerants, you should also look at planning, ensuring that it’s careful, various materials that are specialized, and coordination that’s efficient. 

Here, we’ll go over when to use cold packaging, as they’re good options for businesses. But the right options play a major part in the overall wellness of the packaging at hand. 

When to Use It 

Cold packaging is vital for perishables, such as frozen, fresh foods, pharmaceuticals, and other items that are temperature-sensitive. 

They’re susceptible to various spoilage, and overall degradation if they’re not particularly stored or transported within the correct temperature ranges. 

For the most part, they need to stay between 32 and 29 degrees Fahrenheit, as this will prevent the bacteria from getting in there and spoiling the food. 

But frozen foods can only get up to about 11 degrees before they start to get spoiled and melted, so it requires more needs and other protection too. 

The fluctuations do affect the stability of your product, and the overall shelf life. By reducing this lifespan, it can impact the fluctuations that happen during various stages of the journey of the product. 

Cold packaging lowers the risk that comes with shipping various temperature-sensitive items. It also confirms the overall integrity, and the effectiveness of this temperature-sensitive item, especially as it’s preserved throughout the various parts of the supply chain. 

Cold Packaging types 

Now that you know when to use it, here are some of the most common types. 

First, we’ve got cooler kits, which is an insulated bag and container, used to keep the items nice and cold during the transit process. They’re filled with ice, or gel packs, and overall maintain a lowered temperature within this container. 

Cooler kits are used for medicines and foods that are super perishable. 

Cold bricks are larger ones. They’re literally bricks used to insulate the items, keeping them ice cold. 

Typically made from materials that are nontoxic, they’re made to stay much longer than a normal ice pack. 

Cold bricks are used to help with situations where maintaining consistently cold temperatures is very important.

Finally, we’ve got cold temperature tape, which seals the items that are cold. The tape is made for lower temperatures, so it’s perfect for shipping long distances. 

Cold temperature packaging is vital, and to keep items safe, you’ve got to use this tape whenever you can to preserve this overall freshness as well. 

What Mistakes You’ve got to Avoid With Package Engineering 

Package engineering is a unique field with different structural designs, material science, logistics, and finally graphic design.  It involves the designing and transport of various packaging. This includes the methods, materials and structures to protect the products. 

It requires a unique bit of knowledge to craft this, since you’ve got to factor in possibly having packaging protection. For example, beverage and food packaging requires vastly different kinds of packaging from jewelry and electronics. A packaging engineer is great because it allows you to consider this fragility as well. 

As a consumer, you need to pay attention to the environment and sustainability, and packaging engineers also do that too, since they reduce the costs, and improve the product efficiency too. 

Ideally, you want to get a packaging engineer that offers structural work for design, and in-house sample tables, so that you can get a dieline made, and sample packaging types to review and test before you commit to this. 

Now that you know about this, here’s a few unique packaging mistakes you should avoid. 

Improper Planning 

Before you finalize the design, you’ve got to consider the intended conditions for storage, use, and handling too. This saves you a ton of headaches through thoughtful planning and avoiding ultimate challenges later on. 

Using bad materials 

The materials that you use for this is something that’s also important. For instance, do you have products that’ll require food-safe packaging? Does it have the correct durability to it? all of these things are important, and the wrong types of packaging lead to damaged types of products and merchandise wasted. 

Not Considering sustainability 

This packaging is something that isn’t just for nice looks to it, but also for the waste of products.  The public as well needs to also be invested in the end result of this, which is where they toss the packaging. Whether it’s recycled or tossed and broken down, or even composted, if you don’t consider these, you will lose out on customers too. 

Not Enough Testing 

Conducting the right stress tests aid to determining the way that a packaging will perform during storage and shipping. Without testing this, it causes the investment to be lost, and merchandise is affected. 

Not considering End Users 

If you’re not thinking about the life cycle of the packaging, whether it’s shipping, disposal, or opening, then you’re going to have a problem. Consumers can dispose and open up the packaging easily, and that will impact whether they’ll be repeat buyers.  If you don’t make this easy, then they will choose other ones. 

Not Optimizing Packaging 

The little things add up in the grand scheme of things, so if you’re not focusing on this, it can impact the overall overhead of the product as well.  Proper optimization is key to success. 

Inside Vs. Outside 

If you haven’t really thought about it, then you’ll definitely want to consider the inner and outer dimensions.  This is because the inside will be smaller depending on how thick the outside is.  if it can’t fit right, it’s at risk of breaking, so bear that in mind. 

Having Bad references 

If you have bad references, your packaging will ultimately be affected. You want to give these engineers the proper reference points, understanding the brand needs that are there. 

It also makes it better to simplify the process of design, ultimately saving time. 

A packaging engineer should always avoid these mistakes, and there is a lot that can be affected if you’re smart and are able to properly manage all of this packaging for you too.  

How eco Friendly Boxes Protect the Natural Order 

One of the biggest perks in the packaging industry is going green. With higher increases in packaging that’s less harmful to the world, people are now taking more actions than ever before in order to reduce the carbon footprint that’s there. 

Eco-friendly boxes are what’s used to reduce the pollution and waste to the land, especially when protecting the environment. With totally natural, sustainable packaging, this is soon the preferred type of packaging when compared to the other brand sand boxes, along with their packaging solutions. We do offer custom boxes that are eco friendly and very easy to use, with a wide range of material in order to help with packaging these 

Here, we’ll go over why you’re going to want to use these eco-friendly boxes. 

Better Brand Recognition 

Fulfilling the customer’s needs is a major concern of most brands, and they’ll do whatever it takes to satisfy these customers. Considering the priorities for packaging will leave a good impact on your customers. 

With custom-printed boxes that are eco-friendly, it will help to achieve targeted sales. 

The boxes are designed with color combos that are attractive, along with printing designs that’ll capture onlooker’s attention, and will give you more of an age against other brands. 

This is great as well, as the designs, when they’re striking, will help with increasing the market share, allowing you to reach the target audience easily.  You’ll also be able to engage with the products that are there, through adding details such as the image of the product, usage, the benefits, and also how it retains the audience with this. 

Lots of developers will help with choosing the printing that’ll compel customers to choose the product without even another thought. 

Cutting-edge printing methods are also the norm for us, as we do offer offset and digital printing for your own needs. We also offer an aqueous coating to protect the product, lamination on top of this, and also the foiling and the like. 

We also have nature-friendly printed boxes, which help you get the most creative that you can, while also increasing the recognition of the brand. 

Printing the marketing slogans and taglines will also help with branding. Custom-printed boxes enhance the brand image, giving a boost to company sales. 

Better material choices 

cardboard boxes with recycle symbol

We also offer a variety of different materials for this, such as corrugated stock, cardboard, even kraft, and they vary in thickness, to offer the best product protection that you can. 

Whatever products must be packaged, our material specialists will help to choose the right packaging materials for your boxes. 

Packaging Styles 

We also offer packaging styles that fit the customer’s needs, which include gable style boxes, sleeve styles, even two-piece style  boxes. With highly-customized packaging, you’ll get the attention of the audience, in order to make the right purchases. 

Box Sizes 

Finally, we offer the best box sizes and styles for this. you can choose this for the products that you have, and they do vary, based on the requirements. 

With this said, if you want to offer great, fun eco-friendly packaging, contact us today. Our designers will help with fostering creativity in box design, without breaking the bank. We also understand the importance of mockups, giving you these to provide to the manufacturing team, in order to get an idea for the products as well. 

Talk to us today and see for yourself how our boxes are not only the ideal option for people interested in going eco friendly, but they’re the easiest to work with too, offering great results for you. 

Types of Supplies for Packaging your Foods and Drinks 

If you’re looking to get into the retail business, you probably know that packaging is important. Think about the last time that you walked into a store and saw all of the different types of packaging. 

Every type is made and further curated in different styles.  This is because there is definitive packaging. 

These characteristics, especially in edible products, play a huge role.  The right material does matter, so you want to make sure that you make the right choice when you’re getting the right items for packaging. 

With so many suppliers, getting the right type for the pricing that you want is important. Before you approach these people however, you need to know what types of products you plan to order in a bulk form from the packaging solutions provider. 

There are different types, which we’ll go over right here, and also what you should know before you commit to one of these. 

The first is aseptic packaging, made specifically for foods that are made to be sterile, including dairy that must be preserved for a bit of time.  You should look at the different types. Most of these are made with polyethylene. 

Then there are trays.  These are very common when you go to stores, and various meats, plants, seeds, and the like get packed here. They are usually with a surface that’s flat, and a ridge that’s raised. 

The most in demand item is of course, bags.  These snacks that you get are usually in this. you’ll also find fruits, powders to wash stuff, even other healthy options in this.  These bags are sealed in order to keep products not affected by the external world that’s there. 

Finally, you’ve got the cartons.  The cartons are probably another one that’s popular. When we think of cartons, we think boxes, but that isn’t the case. These are basically smaller, thinner types of items, and usually, they are used to house different goods.  They’re not always made from corrugated fiberboard, but they can be. 

Egg cartons are an example of this, but there are plenty of other cartons, and some of them are good for ensuring that you get the products from one location to another. It’s imperative that you choose these accordingly. 

All of these are a form of flexible packaging.  There are wrappers you can get too specifically for this. you can buy them in bulk, and they offer different printing and characteristics that benefit you. 

With all of these packaging options, you’re probably wondering what’s best.  Ultimately, that’s for you to decide. Talk to a supplier before you begin, and make sure that you get the right types of products, and the means to ensure that they’re the right types of means for you as well. 

Assortment of various food delivery containers on table close up

Ultimately, the right packaging means will play a huge role in the future of your products, and if you want high quality packaging and the delivery of this, you’ll want to make sure that you get the right options for your needs. 

Talk to a packaging supplier today to help you choose the right one. With so many to choose from, you want to make sure that you make the right decision. Our experts are ready to help you get the right packaging that’s customized to fit your needs. By doing this, you’ll ensure that there are correct packaging suppliers for you to choose from, and ultimately, the ideal types of packaging needs that’ll make it even better for you, especially with the overall state of your needs. 

How to make Sure your Products are safe when Shipped 

There’s nothing worse than having a reputation damaged by items that were shipped. Customers get mad, they’ll want a return, and it’s bad for the reputation on all fronts. 

Making sure that the items which are delicate return to their customers safe and sound from the moment they’re thrown in the box is important. 

It’s much easier said than done for a lot of people though, as this can be a problem. Here, we’ll go over the best ways to make sure that your items are safe and secure when shipping them to others. 

Breakage: the Achilles Heel for Shipments 

Shipping and its damage are bad for your brand. 

Delicate glasses, artwork that’s intricate, even electronics that are not properly protected get damaged during shipping. This can lead to losses and damage. 

Having a good reputation ultimately depends on the deliveries and their success.  It’s vital to reduce the breakage occurrence when fulfilling items. 

Breakage not only is bad for profits but also the image of the brand.  Damaged items do look bad for businesses, and it will cause these negative reviews to plague the place. By understanding the underlying reasons for breakage, including bad packaging, the mishandling by carriers, and bad cushioning materials, you’ll be able to implement the proper strategies so that everything gets to where it needs to be safe and sound. 

There are a lot of items that can be vulnerable during the transit process, including figurines, ceramics, and porcelain, on top of glass.  There are a lot of other items, however, that you need to look at as well that might be so brittle that they will shatter without the correct cushioning. 

Instruments and clocks, especially with movable components, also need to be taken care of. 

Properly understanding the damage that can come with items when you ship is your best friend, as this is the best way to prevent the risks from getting worse as well. 

How to Prevent the Breakage of items: A guide 

You may wonder what steps to take? Well, we’ve got it here. 

  1. First make sure that you’ve got the right packaging.  You want a box that’s robust with different dimensions.  Double walled is the best.  Also having corrugated packaging is important, as they do minimize breakage and motion when you’re shipping items 
  2. Wrap everything with different layers of wrapping. Pay close attention to areas that are delicate such as corners.  Use tape to secure this.  bubble wrap is great for guarding against it, and when you wrap this in bubble wrap, it will prevent it from breaking down. 
  3. Use some form of padding between items including packaging peanuts or other layers of bubble wrap in order to stop collisions. 
  4. Fill out the empty spaces as well with more peanuts and paper that’s crump in order to prevent the movement and shocks of this.  You can also use foam inserts to cushion anything that’s delicate.  They will fit the items snugly, and reduce the risk of breakage and improve security 
  5. Have a sealer that will help with robustly strengthening this.  that way, you don’t have to worry about the box getting damaged or jostled 
  6. Label the box as fragile to prevent it from being roughly handled 
  7. Use a reliable shipping center known to care about items

Your packaging is important, and when you ship items that are properly secured, you’ll be happy with the results. Make sure to keep all of this in place when you start with your packaging experience too.