Choosing custom corrugated Packaging 

No matter the industry, corrugated packaging and boxes offer that flexibility and the functionality necessary to improve your brand.

The main function of packaging is to protect this from damage. Corrugated boxes are especially good at this, with a robust, sturdy structure that means you’re getting the best protection for products during the transit process.

But with there being far more than meets your eye, there is an allure with the customizability and the versatility of this. customized corrugated packaging means you can change the design, shape, and even the way that the print occurs on the box and package, prompting better brand recognition.

Corrugated Packaging Options. 

Corrugated packaging uses one ripple sheet, known by many as fluting or the corrugated medium, that’s then sandwiched between two flat liner sheets. 

While the basis is relatively the same, there’s a ton of benefits to corrugated packaging, and lots of options. 

They include: 

  • Regular slotted 
  • Overlapped 
  • Half-slotted 
  • One-piece folding boxes 
  • Five panel 
  • Die cut boxes 
  • Patricians 
  • Bin boxes 
  • Gaylord boxes 
  • Corrugated pads and slip sheets 

So yes, there are a lot of things to choose from, and you’ll be grateful that you’ve managed to consider corrugated packaging for your needs. 

Why go Corrugated 

Customized corrugated packaging might seem obvious, but there are specific reasons for choosing this, which we’ll go over here 

The first is durability. There is the edge crush test, which is something that boxes get judged upon. it is dependent on how much they can hold atop one another. Corrugated boxes handle a ton of force before they collapse on each other, especially when compared to other forms of packaging options. 

There is also a better barrier protection that’s there. There’s a cushion for these products during handling and shipping, and they tend to be much stronger even compared to normal boxes. The custom-sized types of corrugated boxes also fit exactly to the dimensions of the items, in order to keep this secure, and better protected from the damage within.

Most standard boxes require some form of padding a protection, in order to help give it that extra bit of push that’s there. so while it is good, the corrugated box just blows this out of the water. 

They are also very customizable, which means that through different adhesives, treatments, and the like, they can even be made resistant to fire. The printing is customizable too, with customized boxes made from corrugated fibers providing that brand boost that will help to advertise the company, and their products too. 

They are also much cheaper. With the right packaging sizes, this is fitted to the product, rather than one that’s too big. It prevents the potential dimensional weight prices that can happen, along with freight costs. Overall, it’s a win all over the place for the savings that you can get.

They are also much easier to handle in a lot of cases than other types of boxes. For one, they’re flexible, so they come in a lot of different forms, and different walls, depending on the products that you have. They can also be folded up and broken down depending on your needs, taking up minimal space around you. They’re also very light, and easy for one to set up as needed. 

Corrugated boxes are a great way to improve one’s business and here, we’re able to show you just why they’re needed, and why they’re the best option for not just your current box needs, but for the future box needs that you might have. 

How product Packaging Influences Behavior 

Product packaging is used to promote the sales of a business. The color of the wrapping, your packaging, and the like do influence purchasing decisions. 

In order to encourage more impetuous purchasing options, here we have a complete package, which is what many people want. 

Packaging does boost the revenue, along with the market shares. This is also while also lowering the marketing and advertising expenses as well. advertising along with brand perception have impacted the decisions of customers, and here, we’ll go over how they influence one another. 

The consumer behavior factor. 

Many times the influence of one’s packaging occurs when you’re using different factors to get the attention of customers.

For instance, color. The color that many people find within the packaging is what shows the marketing of these products, and their objective. 

Cereal packaging for children, for instance, might have vibrant colors to catch their attention. On the flip side, more health-focused types of cereal will utilize colors along with white to really project a gentler type of feeling. The colors do impact the packaging designs. 

Solutions to inquires 

The packaging also is used for consumer interactions.  That means that the purpose of the product is seen in the materials and designs.  This also may meet essential little details. 

Along with this, information can improve the reputation of the brand and your image by boosting trust between the consumer and yourself. 

Packaging Colors 

The colors of a lot of packaging do indeed influence the mood that a customer has. That’s because different colors show different emotions that are further evoked. 

Some people might determine whether they buy a product or not through this. almost 90% of the judgment happens based on the colors that are there. So yes, in packaging, you need colors, as they evoke concepts that are important for the product, affecting your customer’s first impression. 

MotoX 002

Red is known to stimulate, enthuse, and provide action. Lots of sports and even appetite products use red for this reason. Green shows nature and sustainability, so therefore a lot of organic products will use this to show that tone. 

Supplies and Design 

A lot of products need to have a product packaging that protects them. 

Customers do have the option of changing the material choices with their packaging as well. What that means is that, when compared to packaging of a lower quality, it does influence the behavior of customers. 

Youwnat to give them a packaging that’ll draw their attention and doesn’t use too many supplies. 

Also, you don’t want the design to be affected either. A huge part of the customer is the design. This is because a lot of kids from the ages of 10 and 18 are directly influenced by that, so you want to make sure that you offer designs that are appealing in every sort of way, since it does make it more interesting, and intriguing towards others. 

Creativity and Innovation 

Finally, you want innovative packaging that’ll satisfy the demands of a customer. This includes quality control, tamper and child proofing, and also recyclability, while also being easy to store, carry, open, and are durable.  That of course, are all things you can add in early on, in order to increase the value of these products. 

As always, the product’s quality overall is something that you want to always go and consider.  If you don’t have the right packaging that’s high in quality and looks good, then you should make the decisions as needed in order to make this happen. Always make sure that with this packaging, you give everything necessary. 

The Top Eco Friendly Packaging Materials to Use 

Being eco-friendly isn’t just a suggestion—it’s a must! You need to make sure that you’re using the right type of packaging materials. Here, we’re going to showcase the best materials available to use, with the goal being greener, more sustainable types of practices. We’ll highlight each, and how they can help. 

Why Eco Friendly Packaging Matters 

Eco friendly packaging is important for environmental preservation and sustainability. Using this type of packaging material does minimize the effects that are there.

Plastics such as Styrofoam and others have a bad reputation because of the environmental impacts that are there, and they do contribute to the pollution of the environment. It can take centuries for them to break down, and it can lead to a long-lasting presence in the environment. They also release harmful greenhouse gasses that’ll deplete these natural resources.

The right eco-friendly packaging materials provide a solution for this and are made to make it so that you can reduce your environmental impact in other ways. This also enhances the brand image. As more people become aware of the environment and what they do, they need products that are sourced responsibly, so choosing the right packaging matters. 

Now that you know this, we’re going to talk about the best eco-friendly packaging. 

Corrugated Packaging 

It’s lightweight, very versatile, and super easy to recycle. It can be recycled plenty of times without losing durability and strength. It also is great because it’s biodegradable, so it’s a good choice for your packaging. 


This is a type of packaging that you recycle by putting it in a compost pile. Ti’s broken down into more organic matter, especially when composed in home or industrial facilities. Made from cellulose, starch, and other materials that are plant based, it’s ideal for food packaging and those with a shortened lifespan. 


Mushroom packaging is one that’s made from mycelium, which is mushrooms and the root structure. It’s biodegradable, sustainable, and easy to compose. It’s molded into different shapes, used to package a whole lot of different products, such as food, electronics and so much more. It’s innovative and is good for the environment. 


Seaweed is another natural resource that our oceans are filled with. Seaweed types of packaging are perfectly biodegradable, and also compostable. That means, they’re broken down in the environment without creating harmful chemicals in its wake. It’s also very sturdy, and it’ll protect this packaging during the shipping process. 

Plastics that are Biodegradable 

Finally, we’ve got plastics that are eco friendly. These are biodegradable, and they’re not made from the usual oils, but plant-based types of chemicals.  Unlike the normal plastics that typically take hundreds of years for a product to decompose, this actually is much faster to break down, which also reduces the overall impact on the environment. 

The Best Practices for : Sustainability 

There are a few practices along with just using a better packaging type that you should consider: 

  • Use less packaging.  This is done by product optimization, and choosing stuff that’s efficient and lightweight 
  • Get recyclable and reusable packaging, as they are great for storing and using other products. The goal of this is to minimize eco waste, and you can do this with this type of packaging 
  • Use sustainable items: using mushroom packaging, packaging that’s compostable, and even seaweed packaging is a great way to prevent this from getting worse 
  • Educate your customers on the importance that sustainable packaging offers, encouraging them to reuse and recycle this. add more information on how to properly dispose of this, so that people know just how to use it.