Sometimes, you have a lot more free time than what you’re accustomed to. And sometimes, that free time falls on a nice day with beautiful weather. Yet, here you are, unsure of how to spend your time or what to do.

Boredom and uncertainty can strike at any given time, and it’s always no fun when it happens on days with nice weather and at times that you actually have the time to go out and do something. When you don’t have stuff planned for your weekend, it can be especially tough to come up with something right on the spot.
If you’re looking for ways to spend a nice day on the weekend but can’t really think up too many ideas for you and your family or friends, look no further.
Park picnic.

If anything, this is one of those things that you have to do with your significant other and/or kids at some point in your life. Why else would you think this is always defined as an American pastime, something that you often see in movies and other media?
All it takes is a quick trip to the grocery for some sandwiches and chips (or healthier alternatives to sides such as celery and peanut butter). From there, it’s a matter of going to the park nearest you, having a blanket handy, and setting up for an hour or so. Bugs and the heat may get to you after awhile if it’s a particularly muggy day, but at the very least you’ll be spending time with your family in a way that’s far more intimate than anything else you probably do on a weekly basis.
Catch a matinee.

First, matinees are cheaper than evening shows. And the other thing to consider is that movies are often enjoyed more when seen in a spur of the moment fashion. Think about it. The more you hype up a film and then go to see it, the more there’s a chance of disappointment. But if you go to a film with zero expectations, you have a higher chance of exceeding anything else simply because you had no lofty expectations in mind.
The best advice I can give you for this is to bring along a few candy boxes for you and the kids simply to save money once you’re in the theater. Just sneak them in your purse or a satchel and you’ll be good. You can grab multiple candy boxes at the grocery for half the price of a single box within the theater.