You might have a brand new product, and you want to get this out to other people. You might want to make it the bet that it can be. But there is a problem. You don’t know the ideal packaging for these products. Maybe you’re a company that’s established and dealt with this before, but the product might have other requirements that the other items didn’t.
You also may be a startup, and have no clue what the best types of product packaging are out there, and what to use.
Here, we’ll go over the best type of packaging materials to choose, and how you can choose this.
Why it’s Important.
When you’re choosing materials for packaging, there’s a lot of things that you should consider. It’s more than just one packaging material and working with it. some materials are not correct for certain products.
If you do choose the wrong one, you’re wasting materials, and there is a chance that machinery and money might be wasted, and sometimes, there are safety concerns that eventually do lead to this.
If you’re starting to think about it, you need to choose items, and then, choose the ideal material for the products that are there.
Rigid Vs. Flexible
There are two different product types that a lot of businesses go for: rigid and flexible.

Rigid is the packaging that you can’t bend or force out of the current type of way that it is. These usually are quite solid, and they offer support for the products that are there. they’re known for the strength that they have, preventing damage and breaking in most cases. This is usually the glass jars, the boxes that are corrugated, and bottles made of hard plastic.
On the flipside, you’ve got flexible packaging, which is basically any sort of packaging material that can be changed in most cases. While flexible is usually malleable and bendable, especially when you look at the rigid packaging, they also are used to wrap around the products there. clamshells, blister packs, shrink and stretch film, even poly bags and roll bags are examples of this too.
There are also the benefits of them being less costly for shipments and very lightweight too. The flexible packaging that’s there also uses far less material, so it’s much more eco friendly too. They also come with a lower amount of carbon footprints, especially when compared to paper, glass, cardboard, even metal too.

This is super popular, and it’s grown to new heights over the last decade, and it continues to get even higher and higher, due to the fact that it’s more eco friendly compared to the others.
Different Flexible Packaging Supplies
There are a ton of great flexible packaging supplies that are there. you might wonder if there are different options based on the materials that are there. you might wonder what type of flexible packaging is there for you.
There are different types of ones to choose from.
They are:
- Shrink film: used to help wrap products such as games, DVDs, books, and other options
- Flexible pouches, usually are a pouch from plastic, and usually has an enclosure or foil that’s there
- Blister packs, which are basically packaging which creates what’s called a “blister” in order to house the item
- Clamshells: they are two plastic types of shells that come together and open up, while also closing, typically used for takeout
The best way to choose this, is to look at your packaging needs, and from there, make the decision for yourself.