Moving from Florida

Recently I moved back from Florida, and in order to do so, I needed a lot of cardboard boxes in order to keep all my items together and in one place. There were a few challenges that I faced along the way, but I was sure to overcome them. I am not one to let an obstacle stop me from moving forward. I am glad to be back home and around my family and friends, but I do miss the Florida heat. I do not like the cold. I have been told it is because I have thin blood. I also think it is because I got used to the heat and just prefer that now. It was hard to find the best boxes for my move, but eventually, I found some. I was lucky enough to get some for cheap and was set. 

Finding out I was going to be moving back home was not an easy decision for me. I loved being down there. I moved down with one of my best friends and a friend of his. I found out when the roommate said he was not going to be living with us next year because I played video games. I wish I were joking when I said that, but it is true. My friend and I were planning on moving into a two bedroom apartment until he found out he had to move back home with his family because of money issues. I understood that, and I decided I would move back home with my family until I got a bit more on my feet. He moved back in with his family down in Florida, and I moved back up to Indiana to live with my family. 

After deciding, I was going to move back to Indiana. I had to find some boxes so I could put all my items in there for safe travel. I did some research to see if I could find a moving company before having to do it myself. Unfortunately, I was not able to find one that could fit my budget and time frame. I decided to move myself, and for that, I needed to get some boxes. I first checked out some stores nearby me and was able to get the Super Target by me to give me some boxes they were going to throw away. 

When I was able to get some free boxes, I was so ecstatic. I went home to pack up, and a few days later, I had to pack up the box truck with all my items and furniture. I had a bed and a desk as well as a lot of clothes and other things. I did not have all that much in comparison to others, but it was still a good amount of items. Luckily I had some very big boxes. 

Moving on your own is not that bad, but it is not the most fun as it is very time consuming and tasking. I was happy that I could get some free cardboard boxes and mainly because they were the size I needed but bigger. It is always recommended that you try and get some boxes for free before you try and buy them. Prices at this time are getting more expensive for cardboard.