Can you get your favorite sweets from your ice cream shop?

This is a new world that we are living in and it is mostly for the worst.  But there is always a bright side to the worst parts of life even if our country changed into a totalitarian society overnight.  The fact is that life has dramatically changed over the last year.  The existence of many things is now gone and part of that is dining in at most restaurants.  The change has brought about a new way of life and a new way to experience it. This week I learned that lots of people still want the things they wanted a few months ago and are willing to wait a long time for them.  It really is amazing what we all want even when the worst is upon us.  It really comes down to comfort and memories of things past and the best of experiences.  This was made prevalent on my trip to the dairy queen with my wife last night. We were under the impression that a trip to get some ice cream would make the end of our night perfect.  So we hopped in the car after putting on some shoes and headed to the store. What a good idea, mentally and physically it was what we needed.

Now it was much less crowded on the road.  People are not as keen on being outside because of regulations and getting arrested. But that is something I am learning to simply set aside and not let the fear of others encroach on my joyful life.  Upon driving up to the Dairy Queen ice cream shop I noticed lots of lights near the store.  It turned out that the light was indeed about 30 cars lined up in the drive through.  It was strange because technically the inside of the store should have been open but it was not.  It was technically an environmental failure of all kinds considering all the people sitting in cars constantly polluting. This made us a bit sad because we knew we would be waiting for a long time.  Since the inside was closed we imagined that the line would go very quickly. Unfortunately, it did not and was a very poor waiting process. There was one upside to being forced to wait a long time. 

But having extra time is not the worst thing.  The upside is that we got to go through the entire menu on our phones for a long time and talk about the best items to get.  Many were based around our favorite candy boxes of candy. I mean is there much better than getting your favorite type of candy boxes in your ice cream? I am honestly not sure and I sure love a Reese cup filled blizzard. 

It hurt that our order was a bit messed up in the end.  It really showed a very poor lack of management.  A store that was being staffed with so many people should have had that line flying and orders should be correct considering that you are only taking one order at a time and not the 4 to 5 when the store is running at normal capacity. But we all have to learn and I am sure they will get better.