The one thing that always gets me when summer starts is the midnight summer cravings. Boy it sure is hard to start working on your body when the need for your favorite candy box hits. Especially, since this year is 2020 and getting out and getting your favorite candy could be considered a crime. Leaving homes for non essentials is strictly forbidden across much of the United States at the moment so it is a bit of a conundrum if you ask me. Now how do you go about getting said candy boxes during the pandemic well here are a few tips from me. Also I am not a lawyer and suggest you follow your state guidelines at all times and seek legal advice from a practicing lawyer in your state.
Now when the craving hits I feel that it is worth going out and getting because life goes on and I am not going to suffer for what has been shown to be a pandemic that is less deadly than the common flu. So my first thing to do is look for something essential in the home that I could stock up on. This could be food, toilet paper, or any other number of household items that comes to mind.

Then I decide which one I need and make a list for it and then head to the car. Don’t forget your facemask though. Even though it has been proven not to stop the spread of covid-19 some companies are requireming them and now some states are requiring them as well. Ironic how it could come to this when facts are being thrown to the side for political pandering and shots on instagram. But it may be necessary to play along to not go to jail and to get your candy of choice.

Now another way I go about getting my favorite snacks is going to refuel my car. You can never say gas is not essential and being topped off is important for many different reasons especially depending on the season and now the lack of gas due to oil plummeting as well. Where I live many gas stations are as good as grocery stores and stock many of my favorite things. So I am able to get some gas and fill up on my favorite snacks too. That is essential in more than one way because your mind is important and if you really need something then go ahead and fill your psychological need as well.