The Present is All in the Wrapping With Paper Gift Boxes

The paper gift box: on first consideration, this may seem like a cheap, almost child-like, method of gift wrapping, but, with a little creative flair, these make great gifts in and of themselves. There is no end to the variety and design that paper gift boxes can entail. So, here are five fun and magical ways to delight anyone with your gift.

Make it Personal
It may be just a box, made out of paper, but there’s no reason individual gift boxes can’t speak to its recipient personal interests. Adding a touch that is unique to the person you are giving the gift to let’s them know that you really gave time and effort to their gift.

Bulking Up
With an unlimited budget anyone can, of course, find every type of paper gift box ever made online. If you want to buy a bulk supply, the internet is certainly going to be your most affordable option, but, if you really want to save money, the internet has another option ready for you. That is to make it yourself. Grab some paper, and a quick google search will have you twisting and flexing like an Olympic gymnast, well, your paper that is. There are videos and step-by-step guides available, so don’t let this easy DIY project scare you.

Add Some Color
It goes without saying that bright bursts of color will liven any gift-giving session, but don’t be afraid to use these little guys to brighten your own home. They are a great storage option for a variety of things around the house: notes, sewing materials, office supplies, baked goods, or even personalized candy boxes. You can even string these little guys up on the wall, adding a unique flair to your home decor.

Origami Up
This one may scare you. Well, you can breath easy because no one is actually suggesting you learn origami. Those skills certainly would add something unique to your paper gift boxes, but it is the origami paper you should be after. Origami paper is specially made to be strong and flexible, with a quality feel. In a pinch, gift bags made of highly textured paper can also work well.

Back to Basics
You may consider this one a bit of a cheat, but another great tool in any paper gift box arsenal, is to buy some simple, basic gift boxes, start with an online search, and then accessorize your heart out. Sequins or bows, pearls or ribbons, it doesn’t matter, pretty much anything from your local gift shop can add some extra flair to a simple gift box.

Paper gift boxes are an excellent way to add thought to any gift. Really, for most people, it is not about the gift itself, but about the thought that went into it. The old saying, it’s the thought that counts can’t be more true. In a matter of seconds, a few folds here, a few tucks there, you can have a gift box assembled and ready to go, and it’s guaranteed to set your gift apart from all the others. Get the creativity started today, that way when the next holiday or party rolls around, you have your paper gift box method tested and ready to impress!

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